Wednesday 18 June 2014

Fish & Chips

I suppose it was reasonably inevitable that my little guys would turn into foodies. The inevitability in no way detracts from the pride I feel when I hear my son evince appreciation for good flavour. He loves fish and chips, and asked for them tonight. When I make them at home, I use good quality veg, responsibly fished salmon and wholemeal crumb, so I love this dinner for the healthy side of it, and the fact I know it will get polished off. 

Plus, as my son is nudging closer to four, he's getting more and more helpful in the galley. You might be surprised to hear that I'm not one of those mums relishing the chance to let the kids loose in the kitchen. I'm a control freak by nature, and the kitchen is unequivocally MY domain. I'm also a bit of a neat freak and there is nothing neat about kids and cooking. Nonetheless, all that has had to fall by the wayside somewhat, given my son's interest in 'helping' me cook dinner. It's a great chore for him to feel a part of (what is more central to a family than meal preparation?).

So tonight, he crumbed the fish, taking great care to equally coat the pieces (and spilling - gulp - less breadcrumbs on the  bench than you might have expected).